Best Mecha game around!
Gameplay: Between Another century's episode and Another century's episode 2 this game has by far better gameplay. For a start the controls are much better, well on the control setting you have it on. There are serveral control settings but the one i always use is the most useful, for sub weapons you press and hold L1 and then choose the designated weapon pressing X, Square, Circle, Triangle, L1, and L. This makes the game easier to play and the navigations and attributes of the mech's easier to control. If you hold X while on a mission you can boost, but to stop boosting you must press X again. This is so it is easier for players to keep speed and momentom whilst playing. A feat that can come in handy for experianced mech gamers. R1 and R2 raise and lower the mech's whilst in missions. Mele attacks and combos are set to the circle button. Main long-range weapon is set to Square. Graphics: The Graphics are great, they really have made good use of all the lisences. All the Mecha look and feel very much like the lisences they are taken from. Scenery is brilliant. Music:
The music in this game is great, quite adictive and catchy. sometimes it can be a bit too catchy and you start moving through the options in time with the music.
All the mechs move differently thats what helps to make the game work so well. Great Play i recommend it to anyone.