Takes diplomacy and alternative routs to power to a whole new level. Could be a milestone and source of inspiration.
Some of you... actually many of you will complain that the game does not live up to the book. You would be wrong. The game is in concept as it should be.
It looks like nothing you really saw before... especially for those who were expecting some TW clone. It seems more like a board game.
I hope the game will be a milestone for RTS. Years ago an almost unknown game ... Knights of Honor ( http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/knightsofhonor/index.html?tag=result%3Btitle%3B9 ) brought forward some revolutionary concepts which I hoped would be implemented into the TW series to make it more engaging and realistic... unfortunately it did not. And TW went on to be a great RTS with the most amazing and engaging battles but lost a lot as a TBS and kingdom management.
aGoT:G however has the power to change things because of the huge fan base of the Books and film. Fans who will be able to get past its issues will see that there are more entertaining things in a game than just sending soldiers against soldiers, And maybe some of the innovations and bold steps this game took will be implemented in the next TW.
The game is far from being good. Actually it can go either way depending on the one who plays it. It could be a 10 or a 1.
The Good:
- amazingly complex kingdom management. You control several types of armies and agents - from emissaries, rogues and assassins to noble ladies, spies and guards. You always have to keep an eye on who comes and goes in your country. Armies require food. Visually the game is amazing. Beyond what i expected. I think it had a team of designers who did all those beautiful portraits and icons. The world actually seems more real than the book describes it. And better than the Sci-Fi towns of the film series. The diplomacy is great... but game developers talked about it already.
The Bad:
Total lack of buildings such as defense towers, walls, etc. Weak campaign so far. The game tends to rush and becomes hard to control. When enemy agents and armies pour intro your country its pretty hard to control everything. Alliances always seem very weak. There is little involvement in the game and hardly anything to do except conquer. Your kingdom gives you little to do in times of peace... or better said Cold War.
The game is definitely original, and could be an amazing experience...