A Kingdom for Keflings was supposed to give me a life, instead it took mine.

User Rating: 9 | A Kingdom for Keflings X360
A Kingdom for Keflings does a lot right in it. It's addicting, simplistic and has a lot of content. The tutorials and hints though sometimes can lead you off the wrong path and can confuse you really easily. But aside from that the game is too easy. However too easy is better than too hard. You basically are a tall giant (you can use your avatar) and need to help some villagers named Keflings to create a town for them. At the beginning, the game is a little easy making you build not so much. But when your in the end, building a castle takes a huge amount of time to build. The graphics are, meh, they look good in some spots but in others it could use some improvement. It does come with online play with up to 4 players which is a lot of fun. The music is awesome and inspiring, but with a couple of songs the music gets tiring an awful lot. I suggest you play the demo on XBM (xbox marketplace) and see if you like it, before you buy it.