Very refreshing, innovative change of pace that captures the imagination.
First of all, from a technical standpoint, the game doesn't boast cutting edge graphics, but it still manages to look pretty. The graphics trade-off did however manage to drop the system requirements considerably compared to flashier titles. This gives ATITD an advantage by filling a niche market for players who don't want to upgrade to newer hardware, or simply can't afford it. Computers that can comfortably run this game exponentially outnumber computers capable of handling the complexities of the Everquest 2 graphics engine. That's not the only technical merrit the game has in it's bag of tricks though. The client was co-developed for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux platforms. Users of nearly any computer can all log-in to the same game world and expect the same playing experience.
The first aspect of the game that might give players pause is the fact that there is no combat. While it is true that there is no fighting, killing, or leveling in a traditional sense, the game still has plenty to offer. I caution anyone thinking that there is no point, or it is at best an arbitrary pursuit. The truth is that this game is at the very least as feature rich, engrossing, and open-ended as any other major MMO in existence. I would personally say that the potential represented in this game far exceeds any other in existence.
There are many different fields of study that a player can choose to pursue. A player is not just limited to one, and in fact the most dedicated player can indeed master them all, though I would imagine that such an endeavor would be far beyond the motivation of most people. Each different field of study offers its own rewards and experiences. I call them fields of study because the basis for gaining new skills and abilities starts with going to a school or university and paying tuition. A unique aspect of this game is that a player is not simply playing on their own or for their own purposes. There truly is a dynamic society that is impacted fundamentally by some of the most basic actions that your character can take. For instance, should you choose to study a certain sklll at a university, the tuition you pay will unlock that skill for every player in the game. Many of the advanced skills require such a high tuition that it really becomes a collaborative effort by the entire community to advance society as a whole.
This online society is a key element to the game. Player interaction is critical to some elements of the game. While a player easily find the game engrossing and rewarding with a solo play style, this game offers a very friendly, helpful and fun community, eager to welcome new members.
As far as what you do in the actual game itself, that is totally up to you. Do you want to become a famous wine or beer brewer? Do you want to build an impressive monument that will stand the test of time? Perhaps you wish to become a publically elected Demi-Pharoah complete with the entitled powers. Your play experience is only limited by your ambition.
My score for this game is going to be negatively impacted by my truthfulness in graphics quality compared to today's standards, but please don't let that discourage you, becaue I would readily give it a 9++