So I just beat this game and I just satisfaied. Beggining was hard. I was killed after few second and I was very angry. So I put game away, but one day I just play it and finished. I told myself "You dont shut off NES after this game was beat it". So Graphic is maybe not the best, but it´s not ugly and monsters is pretty nice to watch. Monster especially looks like a little bit like something from "The thing". Yes there is sometimes cliché monster like green ghost. Bosses are awesome, there are not too much hard but they looks like sleazy bastards and its fun to kill them. Flying throw space is enjoyable even today. NES can get best for these type of games. This game is not very long, if I dont count time of dying i finish the game like 30 minutes. But if I count time when I die it´s can get more then 2 hours. What is shame is there is not too much story. I just understant you must save some girl from planet. It´s ok but I expect something more. But ending was great. You flying with that girl extremely fast and you must be careful dotn hit obstacles. And ending with big planet boom is just awesome. It´s great game, but it´s really hard, so there is not too much value to play this again. But anyway how I said before, it´s fun play this space game on NES.
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