THIS IS THE BEST ABBA DANCE GAME!!!!! I love super trouper and i'm a marionette, they made a great choreography =) And the graphics are awesome! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I love money money money too, and the abba clips there is inside =) the karaoke part is awesome and the mini musical too hehe I've been playing this game with my little sister and she just loved !! And I think Frida is hot LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL O LO L SL LOLZ LLLZOALZ OLO L OSLS OLS OSLD SLDSODSDA;SFIJA;F J AB JG LKAN GK SH / K. HSGKS.AJF LOL²³²³²³²³²³²³²³²¤³¤²¡¡²¤¡²¤¡² ¤¡²¤¡€³¡€¡¤¡²¤¡²¡²uas uda ugsd au s gduas gfu asgfugFUGSU Gu agDA GUDIASHD BUM BIM BUM BAMTIBUM BANG-A-BOO OOOBOBOMERANG