Hardly a game in it's own right, but great if you own RB or RB2
I would go as far to say that if you don't have a hard drive and RB or RB2, I would not recommend purchasing this "game". I didn't even play the "game" on the disk itself, I immediately exported the tracks, ejected the disk, loaded up RB2, and played them from there. Sadly, I'm not sure if any Battle of the Bands or Challenges use this track pack, so you won't be getting any customized AC/DC experience from inside of RB2. Like all of your exported songs, your new AC/DC songs will just show up as tracks that you can choose to play for your regular game modes.
I have the same complaints as other reviewers regarding some of the song selection and inflated lengths. The minute long song enders are brutal on your arms, and they just sound like noise after the first 30 seconds or so. Several long pauses in the middle of the songs break up the pacing quite a bit, but it does give you more of a live concert, ad libbed experience.
There's a great selection of classic AC/DC songs and some stinkers. Fortunately, like any exported song, you can delete the stinkers as you won't have to play them as Random tracks in RB2. However, I am unsure if your export code is "one shot only" - meaning if you delete the stinkers, you may not be able to re-export them later.