Everything you have come to expect from Ace Attorney, with just enough to keep it fresh.

User Rating: 8.5 | Gyakuten Kenji DS
I'm sure we have heard about the Ace Attorney one way or another, but once you play the game, it will get you hooked. Especially when Edgeworth takes the stage in his game, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth.

Those who are familiar with Ace Attorney will right off the bat know the interface. Gameplay is reminiscent to earlier Ace Attorney. You can examine crime scenes, scan through your evidence, and looking through profiles. All your basic actions you might know from Ace Attorney. Nothing new. Although, Edgeworth does excel in some things that other Attorney games did not. The freedom of exploration. You get to control Edgeworth around the scene of the crime, investigating each scene and discovering something new for every new location you unlock. Although, you're only limited to where the story takes, so you cannot really move around about. Something like "Limited exploration." The exploration helps because it gives you a better understanding of how a certain murder took place.

Graphics are just fine. It's just what you need to enjoy the Ace Attorney games. Nothing changed much compared to the other games.

Music. Not too great, but not bad either. Fits to Edgeworth just fine.

Some drawbacks that fans might not like is that the interface is unchanged. Although, that should not really be a problem, since the story is just stunning. Sure, once you play through the game once, you probably would not come back, but it's still a fun game.

In conclusion, Edgeworth is a great play through. Now, some people have questioned if it is needed to play the previous Ace Attorney to play this one. My answer is no, it is just fine for newcomers to come and enjoy Edgeworth. Although, those who have played the previous will be greatly rewarded with familiar faces and some funny references of internet memes. All in all, it's great.