Mobius One, Fox Two!
User Rating: 9 | Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies PS2
This was the first Ace Combat game I tried, I never got the past the second mission for the longest time because I am occasionally a lousy shot or rather not that good at aiming bombs. Once I got past it though, I was actually quite good right up to the last mission, which basically proved again just how frequently narrow tight spaces are a part of the last or next to last mission in Ace Combat games. Horizontal shafts to the predesignated targets, too high and boom, so trying to stay level and low enough definitely was new for me even when having already gone through the tunnel in that last mission before having to the fight survivors of the Grabacr and Ofnir in order to shoot down the SOLG. Every time you develop some sort of admiration/fear inspired reputation among the enemies though Unsung War and Belkan War are far more intimate in that capacity. However this game is the place to more or less start to familiarize yourself with the controls and planes even the dynamics and the costs of new planes vary from game to game. Overall its an enjoyable storyline told from the perspective of a youth who develops a bit of hero worship for a lead pilot call sign Yellow 13 and learns of a pilot 13 immensely respects towards the end of the game Mobius One who is the fighter pilot you control... so deny the enemy their victory and take the fight to them.