Action packed and frikin awesome, can't get tired of it

User Rating: 9.1 | Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War PS2
At the start of this game, like the first mission, it is kinda boring, still prety cool mission but the story is just a journalist making a report on the events that are hapening, the story really starts to get interesting when your squadron leader, Captain Bartlet gets shot down, on the mission he gets shot down your just like meh, there gonna rescue him and it will go on..but he actually ends up capture by the enemy and so on and so mission 15, the story is excellent...for a war story if you don't like army games, well good chance you won't like this game much anyway...but yeah i finished this game a couple of times and you just get the wow feeling evry mission well almost, theres one mission where u have to get tru a full map of radars, thats just very anoying and utherly pointless in the story of the game.

graphics of the jets in the game a tremendessly great, but the tanks, AA systems, buildings could be imprroved, and the ground when you are at high altitudes its fine it looks like if you were really in a plane and looking down but when you go in low altitudes u still get the same picture as if you were high altitude, The explosions are decent to good.

What I really like about this game is that you can command your squadron(after you replace captain Bartlet) you can either make you squadron cover your tail, make them use theire special weapons(like long range air to ground missiles instead of the standard missiles you usualy have) attack evrything they see and stay more in a group which the command is attack, kinda obvious and the last command is disperse, its close to attack but they totaly seperate from each other.

Another good detail about the game is the sounds, they used real turbo engines from real jets to make the jets in the game sound more realistic, the sound effects in this game, for me, was and still is awesome. Makes you feel like you're really at war not in front of the tv playing a video game.

Also being able to choose from 3 camera angles is kool...first person(u see what the nose of the jet sees,Cockpit you see what a pilot would see or , my personal favorite 3rd person view it is also easier, you can dodge mountains and buildings easily in third person ..sometimes in the 2 others you just blow up when passing buy a building because a wing crashed in the building and u didnt notice it would be too close.

the value of this game, well really depends if you like games like this or not, i meen if you like jet simulators and will never get bored of this game but if you just play war games from time to will probably get irritating.

Feel free to correct me on this...this is just what i think of the yeah wtv i dont really care...