Well, what can I say about AC6? Besides it being PERFECT!!

User Rating: 10 | Ace Combat 6: Kaihou e no Senka X360
You never know what to expect from these games, wait, what am I talking about?! You can ALWAYS expect amazing visuals, a great storyline, and the Best in Avionic Destruction, in any videogame....ever. Not all will agree with me when I say that this is probably the best installment in the Ace Combat series, but, I think it is. There are a few suprises hidden in the game, along with decent online multiplayer and co-op. There are dozens of downloadable skins for the planes, including past paint schems such as the famous "razgriz" from AC5, and Scarface from AC2. The controls are very good on the controller, but, to get the "realistic" feel, you'd have to go and buy the joystick made espcially for AC6. Although the landscapes ingame aren't all THAT great, the planes and everything else definately make up for it. Beautifully renderd planes, awesome visual effects, and a great (but old) targeting system make Ace Combat 6, just one more reason to get a 360, and to invest in the Air Force! Haha, just kidding about the Air Force thing, but seriously, Ace Combat 6 is an amazing game, and it deserves your undevided attention immediately. Your missing outon one of the best games EVER for the XBox 360.