Bring the Rain
The Story in most Ace games don't really have much of a storyline and the majority of it is completely forgettable. Though, this one is really no exception, it is far more compelling and interesting than any other in the series. Voice acting is very well done and the script actually seems partly intrigueing. But the majority of us do not go into an Ace Combat game looking for a story.
The Graphics are mindblowing. That should come as no surprise considering that this is, afterall, an Ace Combat game. Never have you seen a more realistic looking jet unless you have gone to the air show or seen them in the sky. I believe this is one of the true strengths of the game and when you see it in motion its hard to believe that they are not real. Just look at the jet from the outside or step into the shoes of the pilot in the cockpit view and see how well they nailed it. Namco did a great job bringing the battles to life with such a great job on the graphics and bringing the game the closest to realism than it has ever been.
The Gameplay is quick, realistic and fun. However, this is where the game shows extreme strength and some weakness. Now the game plays fine, no doubt about it. The only flaw in the gameplay is that it can get a little repetative and sometimes it gets downright frustrating. Aside from these though you get some insane dogfights and you'll also have the support of several other wingmen that you can issue orders to.
The online Multiplayer is the newest addition to the series and is just great. You get 16 player dogfights along with co-op modes. I believe they did a great job with online component and I believer this is the other biggest sstrength of the game. Its just to fun to shoot out a real person outta the sky and hear your fellow wingmen yelling at another pilot or hear them curse outta anger cause an enemy forced them to crash. Its an expeience like no other when it comes to jet and flight sims.