Not the underground missions AGAIN!
My first, and biggest complaint about the game is simple.
This was my biggest gripe in Ace Combat 5. Seriously? The last mission involves me flying a super sonic jet AT super sonic speeds down a couple hundred mile tunnel??? isn't this why they made HELICOPTERS?? Well, this issue is right back in Ace Combat 6.
Not even too far into the game you are tasked with flying threw a SERIES of tunnels. Seriously, what the f*ck?
The story as usual is deeply involving; if maybe a little ham fisted. The graphics are amazing while flying, however in the cut scenes they aren't especially amazing, but not bad either.
Though that brings me to a certain gripe. The lip syncing is god awful. Like, Early 80's Godzilla movie bad. There are moments when one word is uttered and the lips go on and on.
All that aside, the game is very good, and if you love Ace Combat this game follows that suit well. Great graphics on the whole, the story is solid and engaging and some of the battles are truly epic.
I highly recommend this game to all.