Aces High!!!
Story: Even though the story wasn't greatly told, the game got me convinced that I'm an ace pilot fighting for his country. This was done by means of rather frequent cutscenes, showing how the war affected a number of people and examining its consequences from various viewpoints. The voice acting wasn't all that convincing, but cutscenes are way better than simply dry briefings.
Graphics: The first thing you notice in a game is its graphics and trust me, this game really delivers in this field. Each of the many original aircraft at your disposal is beautifully designed, has a number of movable parts and behaves convincingly in combat. The skies are set ablaze by the numerous friends and foes battling it out at any given moment, with the missile trails being visible long after the missiles have been fired and the explosions of those unfortunate enough to be on their path. However, even with all this air traffic, the frame rate never once falters.
Sound: The sound is one of those things that never takes centre-stage, but can either nicely compliment or ruin the game. In AC6's case, it's definitely the former. Each mission has its own unique soundtrack, which starts with mild tunes at the start of the battle and flourishes when the battle begins, providing a sense of urgency and excitement. The sounds of missiles flying, guns firing and things blowing up are also vey satisfying. Constant radio chatter, with friends and foes commenting on various things or warning you of danger completes the experience.
Gameplay: Another area at which the game performs almost flawlessly.The controls are rather easy and quickly become like second nature, although you might want to take the tutorials first. Each aircraft behaves very differently in combat, from fast and mobile fighters to slower, destructive bombers. Each plane also sports different special weapons, suitable for different uses and is a point to consider when choosing which of them you want to use for each mission.
Overall, this a great action-flying game and my only minor complaint is that I'd like just a bit more realism, so as to really feel what it means to be a true pilot. However, at anything the game attempts, it performs more than adequately and is easily recommendable for anyone who likes action, flying, both, or simply wants to have fun!! Engage!!!!!!!