The only good flight simulation there is.the graphics are superb and so dramatic the plane selection is wicked.
User Rating: 8 | Ace Combat 6: Kaihou e no Senka X360
This is super awesome mega game it can be annoying being shot down but its still so awesome.The only proper flight simulation ever made.The graphics are perfect but when you go near the ground the ground looks terrible but then again its still good the game is just awesome.Its show the most famous jet fighters ever its strange you start off quite good then you get stuck on a level then you get really far then you get stuck again.Its cool when you can make your own cool plane stunts and blow the enemies planes into bits in a massive explosion but i hate the drone plane when they make huge explosions that's what slows you down when trying to complete the game.This game is really irritating sometimes like the lock on alarm when the beeping noise comes on and the lock on for missiles is very slow and the enemies planes go into circles so you can't lock on.