Ace Lightning and the Carnival of Mediocracy
The Gameplay is(here's that word again) bad. The tasks you are required to do are trivial and involve the jumping from area to area killing the irritating enemies, hmm so new, so innovative also, might i add, if I recall correctly, in the show the charcter could fly, what's up with the jumping? The levels are boring and repetitive and the only mercy is that the game is short. That's the game, seriously. Also, the character preaches a mantra of co-operation, then frankly in this game all that can be said is get some friends. He is the only playable charcter except for one occasion where you can play as his sassy, female sidekick for an all too brief time.
The graphics were also bad, even for a GBA game. The fact you could only view the background scenery and the character models from the side on perspective was another small mercy: the character models were hideous enough from the side without being forced to look at the facial details that would have likely been disgucted.
If the characters had of sounded anything like they did in the show then perhaps another small mercy is the lack of voice acting. They even remove the characteristic and charming beeping of GBA game characters speaking, cheap huh? With a theme tune which is both annoying and catchy you can't help but feel hacked off. This coupled with generic level music means it is hardly home to inspiring musical pieces.
In short, unless you're a die hard fan of this series stay away, stay far away