There are other games worthy of your hard earned money. Tread here carefully!
Positive - Controls were very responsive and the graphics good for an aracde game. That's it.
Negative - First of all there is no save function or a level where you can return to if you screw up. If you screw up back to the beginning. If you made your way up to a certain level and you have to either go to bed or something else to do your screwed. And the last thing you want to do is leave your console on or you just may get RROD or E74. I believe this game was created to mimic the old style coin aracde games where there is no saving but only rewards for making it to the next level and continuing on. If this is your style of play then by all means go for it. Unfortunately, with my schedule I can't afford to put that much time in without saving.
Overall - I gave the game a 6.0 (something like a D or D+). I have really very little positive remarks to make. Money not wisely spent.