RTS evolution-step

User Rating: 9.2 | Act of War: Direct Action PC
Funny how Jason Ocampo (the GameSpot reviewer) critizises the live cutscenes in the game, when his own performance doing the video-review is so lame. hehe. Anyway, in my opinion the cutscenes is a welcome change after having the video-game industry offering the same 3D rendered cutscenes over and over. It is the rendered cutscene approach that is getting old, not having some live action in them. Kudos to anyone who tries to do something new! But a game is not about cutscenes of course, it is about gameplay first, graphics and technology second. Gameplay is highly polished, with lots of action and very balanced gameplay. I am not going on and on about details, the bottom line here is: If you like RTS games, just get this one. It is top of the class, and introduces a few fresh blows of wind without doing something radical that breaks a winning formula. Great game, if you are an RTS fan!