Advance Wars 2 is, in a few words, probably one of the best war-games ever! I might be a bit late in getting it, and reviewing it, since it's release just over two years ago, but I love it. It manages to combine tactical warfare with some pretty graphics and typical GBA sounds, and it's a brilliant combination. Straight from the start I was hooked. The Campaign mode is enjoyable and over the number of missions, you learn more about the game and get different unit types, to battle and to use, for a nice, smooth learning curve which means you're always having fun while being challenged. While it's £25 in the shops, I got a nice, cheap version from eBay for £2. Sure, it had no booklet or book, but it came in a nice container and works fine! Even at £25 this game has enough life in it with the campaign mode, the war room and versus, not forgetting the amazing multi-player too, it's well worth the price it's going for currently. Of course, finding it cheaper just makes it so much better! I'd recommend this to anyone who enjoyed the original, anyone who enjoys any turn-based, or RTS, war-games, and even people who have never played either, cause this, in the end, is a great, fun game which everyone could enjoy.
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Advance Wars 2 (GBA) Advanced wars too is simply one of the funnest, most fullfiling games on the GBA. It has great gameplay, a long story capmpaing, and a map creator so you can create your own maps. Overall pretty... Read Full Review
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