One of the funnest Strategy games on the GBA.
Advanced wars too is simply one of the funnest, most fullfiling games on the GBA. It has great gameplay, a long story capmpaing, and a map creator so you can create your own maps. Overall pretty good.
+ The core gameplay from Advance Wars is back, this is your basic turn-based strategy game, except this one is done correctly
+ The games units are balanced, (Although the new neo tank is slightly over-powered)
+ Each battle lasts a reasonable amount of time
+ Map creator so you can create your own maps
+ Very addicting
- If your not a fan of strategy games you won't like this one either
- The game difficulty is a bit messed up (if your good at the beginning you'll surley win, if you mess up you'll surley lose)
- May get repetetive
+ Nicley done boards
+ Fighting animations are superb and nicley done
+ Great 2D graphics
- Repetative graphics (although most 2D games are like this)
* The sounds of the game are average, but it gets a break because the game is on a very old handheld. Overall the sound compared to other games in the genre is above-average.
+ Long campaign
+ Many different challanges
+ Lasts an average of 100 hours
- Might get repetative
- If your not into Strategy games, this one will probably not change your mind
- If you played the 1st Advance Wars you won't find any changes here (except for 1 new unit)
* The game is overall good, it uses the basic concept that the first Advance Wars used, and expands it a bit, but not too much. If you've played the first one then you basically played this one. Overall great game though