A truly great turn-based Strategy game.
AW2 graphics may be simple and colorful but the gameplay and AI are outstanding. Basically you are defending your country from the black hole army who are determined to take over the world. Its been a while since I played but I believe each country you play as has three different CO's that control the army. Each CO has their own special move that they can use to make your units stronger, increase the range they can see or fire, heal and other such things that will help you win the battle.
The AI in the game is superb. Let me say that again. SUPERB! They fall back, rush, hold positions, react to your advances, etc... And as the game progresses the AI gets more difficult to counter. You will definitely be replaying some levels over and over again.
The game also adds a lot of replay value with building custom maps and purchasing some with the points you earn playing the game. This was definitely a title that was hard to put down.