Best Advance Wars yet
User Rating: 9 | Advance Wars: Days of Ruin DS
This game is awesome. It has a great and more mature and realistic story and the same great Advance Wars gameplay. The changes they made to the existing units and the new units they made really help out the strategy. One thing I love about this game and other advance wars games is how each unit is useful and fufills a unique role. There are no "superior" units which you build to the exclusion of other units once you can produce them like in other stategy games. From the lowly infantry units, up to the super expensive battleship, carrier, and war tank units, each unit is useful but not superior to the other units in terms of overall usefullness.
The story is more mature, which as an older gamer (28), I really appreciate. It is darker and more believable. Not that the other advance wars games weren't good, its just the story was a little too "rated G".
What is keeping me from giving this game a 10, is a nuclear missle type unit would have been nice.