great hand held-stratagy game

User Rating: 9 | Advance Wars: Days of Ruin DS
i admit that i havn't played any of the advance wars game before duel strike, and my friends are always saying that i have to play the originals to truly appricate the game, but for a hand held statagy game, advance wars is the best that i have ever played. Days of Ruin is more serious and has a darker feel than duel stike. The characters seem to be a little more serious about the fact that there in a war and trying to survive. Game-play didnt seem to change much from duel strike, it is still the same go and capture buildings to make more money, and make units and go blow each other up. The Dialog is not good, but isnt bad. it is somthing that they could have improved. The story is pretty weak. anyone can make up a story about the end of the world and everyone struggling to survive. it was pretty bland givin the setting the game had. over all it is a game that some people will enjoy and some people will not. the game can be exteremly difficult and frustrating. so if your new to the series, rent the game first, because you might find the game too difficult.