the best DS game I have ever played
Graphics: 8/10
the in-battle graphics are basic but decent, the cut scene graphics are lovely and manga-style.
Gameplay: 10/10
completely flawless. the battles are straightforward enough, but there is strategy behind it all. the general idea is to eliminate enemy forces. doing it can be harder than an Iron brick. but that's ok.
story: 8/10
ok, so its no twilight princess but it doesnt need to be. the plot makes sense. it might be a bit daft at times (a flower virus? yeah right!) but it still makes sense and the daft bits make me laugh so it's all good.
characters: 9.5/10
this would be a 10 if it were not for infuriating goody-goody captain O'brian, who drives me up the wall with his do-goodingness. the main villain is awesome. the heroines are awesome. oh, and then there's Ed. ED. the world's most useless trainee soldier who for some bizarre reason wears a Tie and a T-Shirt. why?!
extra features: 10/10
apart from the excellent story mode there's also free battle where you can choose from a wide variety of scenarios, including your own custom-made ones. this brings me on to the next feature: the design room. this is the second-best scenario editor I have ever seen (the best being Spore: Galactic Adventures). and once you've created your scenarios you can share them with friends online, like in Spore. in the Online mode you can also fight other people online, and although I've been told that it's good, I haven't been able to check it out for myself as I can't get my DS online.
buy or rent? anyone who rents this when they can buy it is making a serious mistake. buy, and enjoy! (warning: this is for hardcore strategy fans ONLY, casual gamers will find it too challenging in the later levels.