Amazing title for the Nintendo Dual Screen! The best of the Advance Wars strategy series.

User Rating: 9.2 | Advance Wars: Dual Strike DS
This has to be the best of the Advance Wars strategy series.
This game has got all the features of Advance Wars and Advance Wars 2:Black Hole Rising.But now it adds new features like new CO's(Commanding Officers)which have strengths and weaknesses like strong in Naval units but bad in Air units.Another new feature is the new touchscreen gameplay its takes time to get into but after a while you'lle be touching away.I actually prefer the D-pad(Much smoother and faster gameplay.)
Another great feature is the Map Edit with the Touchscreen,yet you can still make maps with the D-Pad like in the other Advance Wars strategy games.
There is also new units which you can purchase in the campaign mode when you complete a curtane mission.
The new units are pretty impressive like the Megatank(which is a stronger version of the Neotank.A blackboat(Sea/Naval unit)which can supply ammo,fuel and can also repair 1 HP to land,sea and air units.A bit like the APC in a way but the APC doesn't repair units only supplies ammo and fuel.
There's still many other units which can cause you experimenting new strategies with them.
The units,battles,landscapes,ect are greatly drawn and detailed.
The Sound can be a bit annoying at times once it gets in your head.But sometimes you'lle be humming away to the CO backround song.
The Value is great about 30 pounds or 40 euro's is great for such a long game to keep you busy for years.