Great pocket tactics!
I am not a big fan of Nintendo's bread and butter games; Cutesy/Cartooney stuff with horrible dialogue and immature gameplay. While AW:DS is cartooney with horrid dialogue, it also provides some really solid turn-based gaming that fits in your pocket.
I have yet to really master the use of the stylus concurrently with the d-pad and buttons (I think the interface is clumsy), but this games control scheme is easy to utilize and since this is turn based, there is no rush for those of us with adult hands to try to hit the correct button at the correct time.
I wouldn't waste my time trying to follow the plotline, but the cut scenes do give you solid information on upcoming vehicles and units, so its worth suffering through them.
As an adult (and a military officer)I find this game a great diversion to take along with you on a flight.