Advance wars is is easly the best hand held strategy game for any hand-held system. The AI is sharp and challenging, the controls are sharp and easy to pick up. The games graphics are great and the use of the duel screen is played out well. The main downsides to the game is that the touch screen use while moving your troops around can be a little frustrating, but it is easly over-looked because you can control everything using the d-pad. And, this may be more of a personal opinion, the characters seem too childish and dont seem to take everything as seriously as they should. But that may just be me. The game is a great multi-player game and has good wifi use. The story was ok, it could have been better, but it is easy to follow. The exteras are easy to use and make for a good waist of time. Advance Wars is a must buy for any strategy game fan who owns a DS.
Other Helpful Reviews for Advance Wars: Dual Strike
The Good: The same formula you remember, tons of content, nice map editor, great single player or multi-player game. The Bad: Looks and sounds like the GBA versions. Introduction: Advance Wars is a strategy game th... Read Full Review
Advance Wars: Dual Strike marks the third triumphant contribution to the stellar Advance Wars namesake. A stable of endearing characters, a terrific backstory, and rock solid gameplay come back full swing, conquering a ... Read Full Review