A long-lasting mind blowing turn-based strategy game. Give it a try!
Gameplay : 10/10
Really deep mechanics, no doubt that this game was made by Intelligent System (the same developer of Fire Emblem and Paper Mario)! For those who played the series before, new interesting maps are added. Computers AI are enhanced by the Tag move, the day just gets harder and harder! New units keep thing interesting.
Graphics : 8/10
Even though you can notice a few sharp spots, especially on the map, the overall graphics are really great. Animations are detailed to a movign of a small tire. Good enough for a portable.
Sound: 9/10
This is my favorite part. I tend to like game with "Sound room" better than those without. I don't know why, sometimes, I Just say in one spot in order to hear the music. AWDS's music is really awesome! Some musics and sound effects tend to repeat a bit, but trust me, you will get a song stuck in your head.
Value : 10/10
Can't say anything for a portable this good.
Tilt : 10/10
The longest lasting game I ever had. In fact, I just finished the first Advance Wars! So proud of my self on getting all S on every single mission and maps. Oh ya!
With the addition of "medals" in Dual Strike, you will want to collect all 300. Which means you have to play all maps and get all S rankings! I love this series!