The first of a new generation of strategy games
User Rating: 10 | Advance Wars GBA
Advance Wars 1 is the first of a new generation of strategy games in a similar design to command and conquer games, however for the most part the game itself is based on a turn based system where players take turns with their actions one playing going after another player. The game brings out different factions from Orange Star, Yellow Comet, Green Earth, etc. into the game, each with its own different variety of special abilities. Within the game you the player take command of one of the CO's, otherwise known as the Commanding Officers. Each commanding officer has a special trait that he/she brings out into the battlefield that makes her much more unique than any of the other players. For example, Andy the mechanic from Orange Star is a very typical standard CO who has average stats in all his categories that make him a good beginning player, his special abilitiy is the ability to instantly heal his units with his power or super power. Overall the game itself utilizes quite a bit of strategy in order to pull off and is a great game, even on a very simple system such as the Gameboy Advance. Crazy graphics aren't always needed in order to have a good time.