It's an innocent looking game that made its own genre for many others to follow on the GBA strategy scene.

User Rating: 9.6 | Advance Wars GBA
Advance Wars is a game that will hook you in and not let go until you finish it.

What more can I say that other people didn't say already? Once you get yourself accustomed to the gameplay, the game will just bind you in place until you go through all of the missions and every nook and cranny.

The gameplay is just perfect. You select a unit and move it. Simple. And that's how the game succeeds so much: the simple layer that draws you in to a much complex network of missions and strategy. Take too long on a mission and take a path. Go fast, kill the enemy quickly, and you'll go along another road, facing other challenges. This makes the game one of those experiences that will make you go back and back again so you can really enjoy ALL of it.

The graphics are great, from soldiers to buildings, everything is so well animated and all of them have their own unique personality.

Advance Wars is a breakthrough game that has already won its place in the greatest games list of a lot of people, including myself.

Thanks for reading!