patience required
User Rating: 8.7 | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder PC
This was my first RPG i think and I played it for ages. The graphics weren't revolutionary and the only thing I remember about the sound is the frightening sound effects, like the sounds spiders made in one of the levels or an approaching enemy. And thats also what stuck with me, the feeling of the game and the depth of the game play thats still in place in first class fp rpg's these days. From forming the party from different races and characters to the inventory of each member down to the necklaces and earrings and the weapons or spells they held. Another first for this game was the all nighters I did trying to get out of a certain level or finding a hidden room with a key i needed. Negative remarks? Yes, the walls and hallways in each level looked exactly the same so I had to make my own maps, it didnt work with Zork and it didn't with with this game. Otherwise this was/is an awesome game.