My favourite Intellivision game.
So you start this game off leaving your home in your party of 3 on the left hand side of the screen. Your goal is to get to Cloudy Mountain on the right hand side of the screen. In between are rivers, locked gates, forests and a plethora of mountains and caves, and the map will change each time you play.
To make it through all of the obstacles, you must venture into a number of mountains to forge a path through the land.
Once you go into a mountain, the screen will change to a view of one of your party, armed with his bow, running through a maze of tunnels. If you find the exit, you can continue forward. You will also need to find an axe so you can move through the forest, a boat so you can cross the river, and a key so you can open gates.
In the mountains you will face monsters of many kinds. Demons, rats, bats, spiders, snakes, blobs and of course, dragons. Demons are silent, and tough, and guard the boats. Rats are aren't so tough, but quite fast, and they guard the arrow packs. Bats will not hurt you, but their wings flap so loudly you will not be able to hear the other monsters. Spiders also do not hurt you, but will steal your arrows. Snakes hiss in the dark caves, so you will hear them before you see them. They guard the axes. Blobs are slow, but indestructible. And lastly the dragons are a tough kill, and you can hear them snoring before you enter their lair.
This is kind of a first in sandbox titles of sorts, as the map is covered in these mountains, but you don't have to search all of them. You can fight in all of them if you want, or just the minimum you need to in order to make to Cloudy Mountain.
Once there you must find the 2 resident winged dragons, each guarding a piece to the crown treasure that you've been seeking. Once you slay both dragons and recover both pieces you win!
A great use of minimal sound, the graphics are well done, and the dungeon crawling is tense, as is the action.