After months of waiting for this game I find myself saved from dissapointment by the abundance of negative reviews.
User Rating: 7.7 | Advent Rising PC
When I first heard about this game I was very excited to say the least. It seemed that it would have all the makings of just the sort of game that I would love. Now that I have the game I have to say that were it not for the numerous negative reviews I may have been disappointed by the final product. For every promise that is not delivered upon in this game there was another that was met beyond expectation, Graphically this game on PC does not hold up. Textures and models do not hold up to the likes of games like Half-Life and Doom. Other issues that plague this game include poor enemy AI, occasional control issues and the odd scripting hang up. That out of the way I can express why I choose to give this game high marks. The musical score in this game is hands down one of the best that I have heard in a long time. It's moving and paints a depth to the events that carry the story from one impossible tragedy to the next. Which brings me to my next point. The story in this game is wonderfully well crafted. Despite what I have read from reviews of this game I found the characters to be some what complex and very human almost immediately. There are a few scenes that I had a forced feel to them but considering how well this story unfurls by the end it is easy to forgive the arbitrary bar fight here and there. What is apparent is that the design focus of this game was to tell a human story set against a backdrop of aliens and imaginative locations. Had I purchased this game to mindlessly blast away at aliens or to be impressed once again by what the technology that we posses can accomplish I would have been sorely disappointed. Thanks to the negative reviews I knew not to expect the greatest gameplay or technical prowess. But, because I wanted this game to tell me a story and allow me to participate I am elated by what the folks at GlyphX Games have accomplished