What the X-Box version should have been! One of the best shooters of it's kind.
User Rating: 9 | Advent Rising PC
Just this summer I was torn on wether I was going to buy Advent Rising for the X-Box, or skip it all together because of poor reviews. Now I am not going to lie, Advent Rising on the X-Box was flawed at best, it's poor framerate made it nearly impossible to play. I struggled to finish the game and immedately got rid of it. But for some reason, the game lingered with me, for days after beating it. I know the game had some serious problems, but if you were able to look past those, the game was simply stunning. The games graphics were really good and the sound was unlike anything today. A soundtrack so good, it should have been in theaters, and gunshots that were absolutely unbelievable, the games sound was perfect. So I guess my main problem with the game was the framerate, it unfortunely took me out of the game. But now the PC version of the game has been released and it has fixed all the problems I had with the X-Box version. So as you can tell, the game is near as good as it will ever be, and believe me, thats pretty good. Once again I am not going to beat around the bush, I have never been a big fan of sci-fi shooters, yes I dispise the HALO series (Killzone is better). But beyond that I would have to say this game impressed me 10 fold even on the X-Box and now it is only that much better. The games visuals while not steps ahead of the curve are really quite good. Some of the textures are non-exsistant, but this doesn't take away from the games experience. On the up side, the special effects in the game are amazing. Explosions kick up dirt and dust and gunshots do the same, everything in this games visuals fit the mood. Advent Rising's sound is unlike anything I have heard before. The gunshots are appropiately boomy and the explosions are as well. But the thing that makes this game better than the rest it it's score. Tommy Tallacrio has more than outdone himself with this game, and it's so good sometimes I would almost rather just listen to the music. I don't think you can really understand how impressive this soundtrack is until you visit the offical site and listen to some sample clips. I am so happy to say that this game beats out HALO as best sci-fi shooter ever made. I won't even compare the two because this one is so far and away better. If you don't own this game yet, what are you doing sitting at home, why haven't you picked this game up yet. Get going!