So I started out thinking this game was awesome. I mean Orson Scott Card! It had to be good right? The beginning seemed sweet, quick fast-pace shooting action, some crazy anti-gravity moving, nasty aliens for you to beat on. Hey the story was even decent. Then all of a sudden I started seeing what everyone was talking about. There were glitches up the wazoo. The game forgot which character I decided to save in the beginning and just decided to completely switch the story line and have one of the wrong character kidnapped. I decided to ignore this shortcoming until, more glitches came. Random freezing, jittery graphics. Not to mention, I started getting a massive headache from the swirly animated graphics. If you want a cheap excuse for killing thousands of aliens without much thought, buy this game. Otherwise, just go play Halo.
Advent Rising... when I first heard of this game, I was hoping it wasn't going to disappoint, especially since my favorite writer of all time (Orson Scott Card) was helping write it (I loved Ender's Game and the sequels.... Read Full Review
Advent Rising has been knocked on by gamespot for a time, which is probabley one of the reasons it didn't do too well in sales. Although i thought the game looked really, really good, i've held off of the game because of... Read Full Review