not bad, but not great either should've spent equally enough time and effort on game play instead of cutscenes & website
such as the story, yea, pretty unoriginal. maybe instead change it so that the Seekers (the bad guys) really wanted the secrets humanity held, something.
character model...those long legs...just have a couple people have that kinda thing. for the main character..i dunno, it kinda suited him.
an add on to the character model. all the nameless men looked all alike, so did the women. and all the bad guys and good guys.
voice acting-one of the places improvement was needed most. a lot of it just seemed a little out there. like in one of the beginning cut scenes this old lady (some ambassador person) asked the main character what the aliens were saying. instead of answering he just explained what that translator thing he put in his ear was and what it did. (he said it was harmless after saying it didn't feel good when he put it in)
glitches-quite a few of them. like during one of the driving sequences i drove off a ramp and onto a glass floor then i was planning on driving off to where i needed to go.
the car got stuck IN the glass floor.
but it was kinda funny that while you drive, just press A and the car will jump like its got hydraulics or something. =P
and another thing was game play.
the two handed weapon/power thing and the level up of abilities was really really really cool, no complaints there
but the only issue was that while you went through the game, only two ways to play were given. the wrong was was possible but hard as hell
the right was was available but really easy
also, during the actual vehicle sequences, they never tell you how bad the vehicle is getting hit, no health thing or anything. the part i left at without playing it ever again was a part where i had to escape a volcano place in one of the enemy ship things
it kept blowing up
and just the overall feel to it was kinda bad. the first time through where you only play about the first quarter of it is actually pretty promising and enjoyable, but thats about it.
i do know that there are gonna be two other Advent Rising games coming out. and of course, i'll rent those first. hopefully, the guys that did this will read reviews like these and maybe get it through their heads that their game needs some work done.