This game is great. Its the best game on xbox live its just so fun and i don't know why so, just get it because its free on the xbox arcade and because its worth playing.I did not expect to play this game for a half an hour but i actually spent around 2 hours playing it. The problem about this game though is that it is too short and when i mean short i mean very short like you can beat it in less than a half an hour. Also the achievements are very easy to get and you get them really quick. So overall get this game on the xbox arcade, its FREE!
By sonicboom713 | Review Date: Jan 09, 2008 | X360
Created by three Microsoft interns in the summer of 2006 and released midyear in 2007, "Aegis Wing" at its heart breathes the air of the classic shooters of yesteryear. Anyone with any solid foundation in gaming will be ... Read Full Review
Aegis Wing is an interesting game- its debut on marketplace marked only the second XBox 360 Live Arcade game to be sold completely free (Third if you count the original XBox's "XBox Live Arcade" disc) The be... Read Full Review