Aeon Flux is probably one of the better games based on a movie this year. If you ever played Bloodrayne before, you will be in similiar territory. It was developed by the same people and uses the same engine as Bloodrayne. Straight up combat, a few puzzles, and pinball. Aeon gets in these spheres that you can control and move round in. Similiar to Metroid Prime, just not implemented as well. It changes the gameplay up a good bit. Platforming is thrown in for a good mix. The game is broken down into 7 missions, which all take about 1hr to complete. I haven't seen the movie yet, so I don't know if the game follows the story of the film. The story is pretty good, kinda hard to follow as the game progresses. The biggest plus of the game is Aeon's movements. They are really cool to watch. She moves, jumps and runs with style. Graphically it isn't all that impressive. Has some cool enviroments, but at times they get repetative. If you dig Bloodrayne or action games that are similiar, check it out.
Aeon Flux is a refreshing side-step from the piles of games sitting on store shelves. From the sharp and colorful environments, to the great attention to character detail, I knew from the first moment my XBox inhaled thi... Read Full Review
Aeon Flux has some good graphics and some very fun parts to it. For an original xbox game, the graphics are okay. I had a few issues because there are parts in the game that do not follow the movie at all, in fact there ... Read Full Review