Aero's 2nd adventure is one of the best snes platformers and a huge improvement over the first game
The bad: Can beat it it a single day
Game-play: 9/10
Graphics: 10/10
Sound: 10/10
Value: 9/10
Tilt: 10/10
Average Score: 9.7/10
What could possibly make the sequel to a mediocre game great? Well, Sunsoft realized the error of their ways, and decided to make a bigger, better Aero. When Ektor returns after being rescued by Zero The Kamikaze Squirrel (his 2nd in command), Ektor vows revenge on Aero, who vows to make sure Ektor is out of the picture.
The first game had mediocre game-play. The 2nd game highly improves on this. Now you have a kick move, more levels, great bosses, and tighter controls. The cut-scenes are greatly polished and look very cartoonish. There's also some fun games in between levels.
The graphics look much better than the first game. The backgrounds look spectacuklar, such as the bell castle graphics. The soundtrack is one of the best on the Snes, most notable Boardin Zone Act 2 and the Disco Train.
A step in the right direction, Aero's 2nd adventure is one of the best Snes platformers and a huge improvement over the first game. I'm glad the first game was made, because they made a sequel worth falling in love with, as well as Aero himself.