Big hype, high expectations, promosing advertising and trailers, but no delivery. The most dissapointing AFL game ever.

User Rating: 2 | AFL Live X360
Well i first got AFL Live 5 days before release date for $110, i bought it home played it for an hour before putting it back in it's case. What a dissapointment!! Single player/'career mode'
What an absolute disgrace. Its glitchy and terrible and you can only play one season. It give's you the option to sim games but the results are just stupid. e.g. Round 1 sim Essendon vs Dogs - Essendon 13 Dogs 67. On the ps2 versions of the game you could play multiple seasons and trade players and it was great, compared to this it is jut garbage. You can even trade players or draft computer made players it is nothning like FIFA at all, making 'career mode' almost impossible to play and enjoy. The AI/Gameplay
After ages i finally got the hang of the controls but it didnt seem to make the game anymore enjoyable. When playing the AI you get constantly tackled as the sprint button does absolutely nothing. e.g. david hille as fast as aaron davey. The game is a slug and just gets boring to play. Also the umpires are just plain stupid. The free kicks are a joke and their is OVBIOUS AI momentum in games worst than FIFA. The game basically decides who wins when it wants to. Graphics/commentary/other
The graphics are still **** and their is no instant replay button. The worst of all is the commentary, the commentary is just plain stupid. e.g. as the game starts dennis comitee will say 'the ball is in ready.' Who the f says that? Also their is only 2 songs in in the menu's - how draining!

This is the only fun part of the game to be honest. Online is fun as the game is more open and enjoyable and their are often heaps of close games which can leave you jumping up and down infront of your TV after the final siren or screaming abuse and the dodgey umpires. Overall career mode is unplayable, playing single player exhibition matches are boring but online is the only fun part of the game. This game should never be bought for $110 and i was happy to return it 7 days later and get my money back. If your thinking of buying this game make sure u get it for under $20 even if your a 'die hard fan' like me.