Some people will love this game (like me) but some people will hate it RENT IT FIRST

User Rating: 8.5 | AFL Premiership 2006 PS2
This game is jut your normal footy game. 16 teams, season mode but with a new mode called career mode. Career mode involves you picking your favourite footy team (go the mighty tigers). Then you go through an average AFL season including NAB cup, 22 rounds and if your good enough the finals.

Gameplay: 9
I have really enjoyed this game mainly cause of the gameplay GREAT FUN

Graphics: 5
BOO! The only negative part of the game. Pretty dissapointing graphics.

Sound: 7
Great commentating and some great sayings like "The score board is ticking over like a tokyo taxi metre" and so on. There is one glitch with the commentating and that is sometimes before the match the commentators are discussing and one of them says, 'who do you think will win today', the other commentaor replies 'i think collingwood will win'. Then the first commentator says back. ' I disagree i think collingwood will win'. That doesn't even make sense. (Collingwood was just an example).

Value: 9
Spectacular value. Kept me playing for a LONG time.

Overall: 8.5
Just one of those plain fun footy games that are just so addicting