Liquid Sword Fighting Action!
The Bad: Constant fighting with the camera system, irritating program glitches, half of the story is just babble.
The Ugly: Some of the acrobatics get screwed up (like wall run/jump) thanks to glitches.
Like the Afro Samurai anime? Then get the game! Like like wild combat that requires your mind to flow like water? Get it! Reminiscent of of the recent Ninja Gaiden series but not as tough, sword combat fans will be satisfied. There is a nice sized combo arsenal to be had as you level up but you may not concentrate on perfecting them as you get a hang of the fighting. Enemies are not all that tough but are varied enough and provide a nice challenge. They do act a bit like a cookie mold crew when they do appear but face it, your here to just kill.
If you have every seen the drinky crow show then you understand the animation and art in the game. Just like the anime movie Ninja Ninja is as foul mouthed and naughty as you want and he will provide clues to help defeat tougher opponents. He's somewhat helpful in providing direction but don't get comfortable relying on him to get around. If you have seen the show then soundtrack sets the mood here too, although it may fell more like Samurai Champloo when your done making it to the end. Keeping this short the focus of this game is just plain samurai action combat, but if your here for the story, you won't miss it if you really pay no attention.
Now for the thumbs down part. The camera system in this game is just plain annoying. It does a mediocre job of keeping up with Afro in the first half of the game and does even worst later in the game when it is really important fighting tougher enemies. You find yourself screwing up a move because the camera system just could not follow you fast enough. You'll also see enemies stuck in the wall, the camera blank out, afro back flipping when he should wall jump or not grab an over hang when he jumps of the wall and yadda yadda yadda... While this game does not feel rushed it does feel short and unpolished.
I hope it hits home that the combat action makes up for all it short comings but not enough to make you completely forget.