A solid game but somewhat lacking in depth
This psp version improves on the graphics and adds some good audio and sound effects as well as soften it up somewhat for todays youth , im not saying that this game is particuarly easy however , only that its easier than the old afterburner. Now onto the basic game premise.
You work your way through the missions (levels basically) , pick your plane and then fly out onto the preset straightforward map (no free roaming here.) and complete your objectives. Usually said objectives are 'kill X amount of Y' but these can vary... sometimes.
You have a turret and missiles as well as ground missiles for targets such as trucks or radar systems. After destroying enemy aircraft boxes may appear which will allow you to restock on ammunition or health. Speaking of health - you will have a set amount of lives to complete that particular mission with , run out , and you're dead.
once the mission is over , you gain moneys to which you can spend purchasing other stronger airplanes or upgrading the ones you already have. upgrades such as extra firepower or a new engine which will (obviously) improve your planes stats.
This basic structure of mission -> upgrade -> mission is pretty constant throughout the entire game.
there are a few other modes , but nothing really worth mentioning unfortunately.
there is also a multiplayer mode ,however i haven't had a chance to try it.
Summary :
The Good :-
-its afterburner
-its fast
-Planes can be upgraded and such which should keep people busy for a while
-Fair amount of missions
-graphics are pretty nice
The Bad :-
-bit linear on the gameplay side , theres only so many ways you can shoot down an enemy aircraft using a missile.
-Pretty sucky replayability
The ugly :-
None! thankfully
~~~ Well worth a rent , but id think carefully before buying especially if its at full price. - Worth it if you can find it for cheap ~~~
~Meng / Mengzor