A brilliant game based on the famous Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

User Rating: 9.7 | Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express (2006) PC
I would recommend this game to anyone who likes detectives but isn't bored enough to try and figure out nearly impossible and wildly illogical riddles that some point and click games present.
I have enjoyed the riddles in this game which were not particularly difficult but just interesting enough to enjoy solving them. The story is straight forward and the game play involves lots of talking and not as much thinking (that is, you don't necessarily need to know what's going on, since Poirot will explain it at the end and all you have to do is get the clues and question the suspects).
Never having read the book I can't comment on the truthfulness of the game plot to the classic but the two twists at the end were unexpected and maybe even touching.However, knowing that adaptations are almost always worse than the originals, I can be sure that if you've never read the book you will enjoy the game better... and maybe go on to acquaint yourself with the works of Mme Christie. :)