Age of Booty proves to be a fun, exhilariting experience thats fun for the whole family!
User Rating: 8 | Age of Booty X360
Age of booty is a cool game created by microsoft. The graphics are good, the gameplay is fun and overall a must-have for any arcade lover. It's only 800 MS ($10) points and it is really worth it. The challenges are a little tedious and boring however because most of them require the same thing each time. The one mode that makes this game gorgeous is the multiplayer, it is addicting, fun.. You need to get this game even if you hate RTS's. Although what suffers from this game tremendously is the loading times. I know it's supposed to be HD but it takes so slow to set up a freakin' match. The demo contain 3 challenges, a map editor, and multiplayer (offline and online) for use. However, a timer kicks in if you decide to play online; which sucks; but business is business. Overall, I think this game is worth a pick-up but if you think not try the demo on XBM (xbox marketplace) it's FREE so don't worry.