Arrr get ready to have fun and drink rum becuase what eals is there to do than play this amazing game for hours.

User Rating: 8 | Age of Booty X360
Age of Booty is a fun simple and enjoyable game that will keep you entertained for days on end. With it's simple and fun gameplay Age of Booty runs smoothy and easy to pick up right away. The idea is that you are a notorius pirate and you objective is to plunder and capture towns and resores before your opponet arrrr. Each pirate starts out with a small and weak ship at the start of the match as they set out to capture that will suplie you with valuble resoses you can use to upgrade your town or ship. Though the upgareds may help you remeber they help you enamy to. you can also attak and steal your apponents towns to take there stedy streem resores a hinder them. Age of Booty has alot to offer ans if just fun, and with an easy to use map creater you could play on your custome maps with firends. Also play online i X-box live battles for tyhe seven seas. I would highly recomend this for any one who is just wanting a break from the story lines and jnts to sit down and have fun, so go out there and get ey some booty


Guns: "Boom ha ha" guns make your fire-power stronger, but you ship slower which makes it harder to escape or quikly get to a destination.

Armour: "we look like a soup can" armour a metal siding that make you un fire and have more heath, and dose not effect your guns or speed in any way.

Speed: "ye old moter boat" speed makes your ship faster and easyer to monuf guns on bored, and mostly usefull geting resoes and other locations faster.

Town upgrades

Fortify: There is only one town upgrade and ican fortify up to two times giving your town greater fire-power and more heath. It comes in usfull when the town is under attack and your on the other side of the map.