Better than you have heard, For Fair Review Look Here
Graphics: The best of any MMO. I have a crappy computer but a great graphics card, the graphics amaze me and I have them on medium.
Combat: Again, THE BEST of ANY MMO!!!! There is so much strategy to the combat guys and its so fun, u will never auto attack or just press 123456789. You have 3 attack directions and there are 3 shields that enemies re direct, so you have to try and get their weak spots, than your abilities are activated by combo's which can be up to 3 attack directions on top of your power activation button, it sounds confusing and it can be hard to get the hang of, but I tried playing Aion the other day and the combat in comparison is just boring. Age of Conan has really made strides in this aspect.
Music: Some places its very good, some places its lacking. In caves and dark grim places it can make you feel like you are in a horror movie, but in towns and such its basic happy go lucky tunes that could be improved.
PvP: It is very fun but can be frustrating. On a PvP server you can attack any person at any time in the open world, the only problem is they can attack you as well. You can expect to get ganked ALOT and hope to get high enough to gank back.
Devs: The gamemasters usually respond within 30 minutes at ANY time. That is god speed compared to the WoW devs. Say what you will about the population but Blizzard has alot more money to pay more people to respond, and they dont do that. Instead you can just wait 3 days to get an answer. Either way Funcom is doing great with that.
Instances/Quests: FANTASTIC! The story makes you feel like a badass, you can do anything from killing the baddest demon to sleeping with a prostitute and getting an STD from her. The game is very creative and alot of fun. The instances are timely and will take you hours, BUT they are creative and fun, great experience and you have some puzzles to solve, like where not to step on stairs or a boulder will crush you. Maybe figuring out how to get 2 teamates to stop a fire breathing snake statue so u can cross, it can be ANYTHING guys. You never know what to expect! The boss fights are fun, every boss is different and is very challenging.
Overall: Guys, I have played World of Warcraft, City of Heroes, Aion, Champions, Tabula Rasa, Everquest I&II, RF Online and more, I know MMO's. I love the new Age of Conan! Its relatively bug free, its amazingly fun, the guild cities are great the PvP is amazing the PvE is fun, its just an amazing game guys. Try it out, buy it, leave your current game behind because I promise you if you play this game you cant go back to auto-attacking.