purely awsome

User Rating: 9.5 | Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures PC
i love this game. the combat is awsome and incredebly brutal. it is really addictive at least for me. if you arn't big into combat this might not be the game for you though. i like this game because its finally an mmo with immersive combat where i can be a warrior with out getting bored. outside of combat though you sort of just run from point a to point b so liking the combat aspects is a must. if you do then this is the greatest mmo ever and once they patch out the glitches (like falling through floors etc.) then it will be perfect. one other problem i have with the game is that there doesn't seem to be a wide enough variety of armors, this might be because i havn't progressed far enough in to the game but it seems like there is really only four types, cloth, light, medium, and heavy. in those classes theres only one or two to choose from. pvp is also pretty fun but there seems to be a lot of lowbie killers in this game. but overall this is a great game and you should try it.