In so many ways DAOC are just too much superior to AOC in what matters most to me.
I've decided that level 27 is as far I can go in Age of Conan. I'm so tired of quests and pve now that I want to puke whenever I consider logging back in. It's got great graphics, lovely quests, pve is fun (considering it's pve), but there is a limit on how much I can do the same stuff over and over again and when the limit is reached I just can't take it anymore. I refuse to continue doing something I'm not enjoying anymore, and AoC is not giving me a choice to do something else. I'm not doing another quest and I'm not killing another mob. Call me a quitter.
So that's it, I've tried AoC and for me it was just another single player game that goes right into the shelf to collect dust. Yes, I said single player game because the majority of the players I met in there were not interested in doing anything else than single player quests. Single player quests give the best rewards. The best equipment comes from quests, and is not tradable, so I don't even have a choice to buy it if I'm sick of doing single player quests.
In so many ways DAOC are just too much superior to AOC in what matters most to me.
I've tried to flag myself for all the various pvp options (minigames etc), with no luck getting into one single game in several days. Maybe I should've gone to the PvP server, you say? I've tried Camlann (European DAOC PvP server), and I have no reason to believe AoC PvP is any different. A chaotic mass slaughter of low levels, everyone attacking everything that moves with no hesitation (on the contrary from the RvR servers). If I weren't so sick of Tortage and having to do everything in there over again, maybe I would at least try it once.
Maybe (you never know) when pvp has established on Ymir and most people are lvl80, I might come back to try out the endgame if there is a kind soul who can PL me to 80 (as leveling myself all those levels are just too much of a grind for me). That is not to be taken as begging or anything, I'm not asking.
Hmm this still came out a bit too negative, but I don't know how else to put it. Also it might be a bit harsh to judge this game at this early stage, but it's not as if I've got any choice, is it. Hope I haven't been an inconvenience after all this.
I decided to stop my review there, and I've written an appendium for those who would be interested in reading on about more reasons for why I got bored in Age of Conan: