When you get tired of wow, play this game.
So I searched for another mmorpg, and I bought aoc at 10$ with a month of play included. I said to myself: nothing to lose. I was right. The game is very good pve wise (I did not play pvp yet, I am level 48 atm, and will do pvp only at 80).
The combat system is easy to learn, but it changes all a long... the combos you get are modified by your level at some times, and the keys you press never gets too repetitive because of that. The talent trees (feats) are original, the economy seems good, not too many gold sellers, the classes are all fun... the graphics are very good (but you need a top computer/processor/ graphic card).
I just cant give it more than 7.5, because no flying mounts, and the areas all look alike (or almost... at least it is not as varied as in wow) and it gets laggy at times, and there is some technical issues... the game freezes at the point you need to restart your pc at least 1 time every 2 days...
Very good game to get over wow....